Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Travels through Eng 307

I want to take this time to reflect on my journey through English Travelers in the Middle East. I came into this class with my mind wide open, or so I thought. The first or second day of class I realized how ignorant and naïve I really was. With the help of our travel writers, our wonderful professor, and equally wonderful classmates, I was able to better understand Middle Eastern culture, and release my preconceived notions of the Islamic religion.

Veiling is the issue that I am most happy to have studied, because it was the issue that I had the most trouble understanding. I thought of the hijab as political and religious oppression that left women with no room for self-expression. I always thought that most of the governments in the Middle East were forcing women to cover themselves, but to my surprise, many establishments are pushing for the removal of the hija because of its primitive association. These women are fighting for the right to express their religious devotion, which should be every person’s human right. I learned that for Muslim women it is a constant struggle to have to choose between their government and their religion and live fear of either decision.

I was glad to have learned more about Hareems, since I felt that having more than one wife is degrading and completely selfish. However, I learned that men take multiple wives to care for the widows of their friends and family, which is a great and noble act. Multiple wives does not always equate to a sex-crazed and controlling husband. Because the Arabic culture is very family-oriented, they are almost expected to take on such a responsibility.

Orientalism is probably my favorite topic that we have studied. I have been able to see how the Western governments have helped to spread the Orientalist epidemic, especially since September 11. However, I have also learned that Orientalist prejudices are not limited to Western minds. The East/West divide has always existed and is extremely prevalent today. Studying the topic of Orientalism has helped me in my everyday life. I am better at trying to understand different cultures and to not judge them on the things that may be different from my lifestyle.

The War on Terror was one issue on which I never thought that I would budge, but after reading Stewart, I was momentarily swayed. I am still against the war and everything that it entailed, except now I know that it was beneficial to end Sadaam Hussein’s evil regime, even if that was not what our government said was our goal of the invasion. I believe that we should pull out of the war as soon as possible because I believe that it is the most beneficial option for all parties involved.

Overall, I believe that his class has helped me to become a better person. I now have a greater appreciation of not only Middle Eastern culture, but the history of all cultures throughout the world. I am now excited to explore other cultures throughout the world in great depth. I want to know about all the different kinds of people that are living in all the different places on this globe. Because when you think about it, we are all common citizens of this beautiful plant that we call Earth. Maybe we should erase the lines from these maps and see where it goes from there.

Thank you for a wonderful semester. I will miss you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.